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If using the future as a backdrop, move the food into the future. No pun intended…īut I also struggled with a couple of aspects: I stumbled over a couple of anachronisms such as “turkey and gravy” protein bars. I liked the allusion to there being more to Storm Divine than meets the eye. Jedd’s loyal, has his own code of ethics and morality, and doesn’t let his friends down.Īnd the idea of a Chimericon (sp?), a Jaili, a being that shifts into an individual’s own personal sex fantasy is new and different. He’s got swagger, ego, confidence, and a roguish charm that usually works.

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Think Han Solo, Captain Malcolm, or Captain Jack Sparrow. So I enjoyed the setting of The Perfect Whore – a somewhat backwater desert planet, with two species uneasily co-existing, and scrapping out a living is Captain Smarmy-pants *cough* ah…Captain Jedd Lightning. I love my Firefly, Star Wars (4, 5 ad 6) Star Trek (original), Picard IS the better Captain, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (I carry a towel “just in case”) and yes, I’ve seen every Red Dwarf episode.

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Blurb does a pretty good job of summarizing, so I’ll go right to my thoughts.

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